Local Conservatives have welcomed extra support for tenants in Wirral by increasing the Local Housing Allowance.
High rents mean housing support provided to many on the lowest incomes have become out of step with market rates. By raising the Local Housing Allowance rate closer to local market rents from April 2024, more than one million families will get extra help to meet current costs.
The increased rates mean a family in a three bed, private rented property will receive a boost of up to £1,200 over the next year.
The new rates, if approved by Parliament this month, mean that in Wirral:
- a private tenant in shared accommodation will see the maximum support increase from £55.02 to £73.35 a week.
- In a one bedroom property, the maximum support will rise from £86.30 to £97.31 a week
- The maximum support in a two bedroom property will rise from £103.56 to £120.82 a week
- Private tenants in a three bedroom property will see their maximum support rise from £126.68 to £149.59 a week
- While those in a four bedroom property will see the support rise from £166.85 to £189.86 a week
Commenting, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride MP said:
Housing costs are the number one expense for families.
This £1.2 billion boost to Local Housing Allowance, along with our landmark Back to Work reforms, reflects our fair approach to welfare – helping people into employment while protecting the most vulnerable with unprecedented cost of living support.
Crisis Chief Executive, Matt Downie added:
It cannot be understated just how vital this investment in housing benefit will be in helping to both prevent and end homelessness.
In recent years, people receiving housing benefit have found it increasingly difficult to afford the soaring cost of rents. Giving housing benefit this crucial boost will make a real difference to people across Great Britain and will relieve some of the pressure facing people on the lowest incomes.
We hope this investment will be maintained for the long term, so we can continue with our collective mission to end homelessness for good.
The Local Housing Allowance determines the maximum housing support for private renters. It ensures that claimants in the same area with similar situations are entitled to the same maximum support regardless of the rent they pay. The level of support is based on the area where the person lives and the size of their household.